Wednesday, November 14, 2007

In dreams begin responsibilities

Okay, I've had my U2 fix for the day. I love the song that the title is taken from, it just has so many quotes for so many occasions.

I just got a new book today, for April mostly it looks like. I've been clamoring for a book from "the other side" and now I got one. Woot! And I'm also going to be a liaison to the mothership (corporate HQ) for some things now too. Damn. It's almost scary. Okay, forget the almost. It's really weird though. I spent years having "jobs" and this one could turn into a career. Which was always the goal with the whole college thing, but, it always seemed really far away. And kind of scary that it took me until my early thirties to get there. Evidently, I have now arrived.

No snowflakes today. Have gone back to the afghan while I rebuild what !@#$ iTunes took away from me yesterday. Corrupted, my ass. It just wanted to delete every podcast I had. So I'm taking the opportunity to listen to a favorite from the beginning. Unfortunately, I lost all my placemarkers in all of my podiobooks. Grrrrrrr. It isn't the end of the world, just irritating me.

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